Below are just some of the topics discussed at the Wastewater Summit
Employee Hiring & Retention: How to Attract and Support Top Talent
Staff Development and Succession Planning for Current and New Leaders
Increased Operational Demands on Decreased Funding
Asset Management: Setting Objectives for Now and the Future
Strategic Planning: Prioritizing Your Capital Projects and Workload
Securing Funding and Grants to Finance Your Projects
Navigating Supply Shortages and Increasing Costs for Materials
Optimizing Energy Use for Operational Savings
Maintenance and Infrastructure Rehabilitation: Best Practices and Prioritizing on a Budget
Enhancing Operations with New Technology and Equipment
Standards and Programs for Controlling Infiltration and Inflow (I/I)
SCADA: Implementation, Benefits and Challenges
PFAS: Addressing an Emerging Public Health Emergency
Regulatory Compliance for Nutrients and Other Contaminant Removal
Solutions to H2S Exposure In Wastewater Treatment
Systems and Strategies for Handling Biosolids